
Showing posts from February, 2018


Assessment of Classimat faults  in classimat tester : Due to the existence of fewer faults and nature of distribution of these faults, it is recommended to take randomly at least 5 tests of each 100km of yarn. The testing yarn has to be carried out on a winder having a uniform winding speed. Once the testing is over, the results are in the form of printout. And it contains two sets of data, the one is Individual faults & other one is cumulative faults / 100km of yarn. And the major causes of the Classimat faults are tabulated below : SHORT THICK FAULTS :            A4 -High Ring frame speed -Loose (or) Spun in fly -Foreign matter -Type of spacers          B4 -High Ring frame speed -Loose (or) Spun fly -Floating fibers -Narrow cage length and tight cage length              ...


There are two types of yarn faults, Frequently occurring faults and Seldom-occurring faults. 1.     Frequently occurring faults : This  type of faults includes  thin, thick and neps as measured by evenness tester. These faults occur in the range of 10 to 5000 times per 1000 meters 2.     Seldom occurring faults : Theses faults refer to the thin places and thick places in the yarn, which are so seldom occurring for atleast 100 km of the yarn. The seldom occurring faults can be grouped in three main types Short thick, Long thick and Long thin faults. Classifications of  faults : This will provides a detailed break-up of yarn faults based on the length and dimensions of the faults. There are totally 23 types of faults, each fault is identified by an alphabet and a number. The alphabet ‘A’ to ‘G’ indicates the thick yarn faults while the letters ‘H’ and ‘I’ represent thin faults. The Number 1 represents a faults of size +100 t...


Salient Features Higher Production up to 1600 kg /hr Twin Element beater for gentle cleaning and effective opening Opening, cleaning and de-dusting combined Effective micro-dust and seeds removal Roller type waste collection system Cleaning efficiency up to 40% Unique User Friendly Controls Programmable grid adjustment and Beater Speed Individually adjustable traversing grid Dynamic setting changes for different assortments In-built intelligent display system with fault announciation and mimic display Vario-clean 


OPERATIONAL PRINCIPLE OF BALE PLUCKER   The UNI-flock(BALE PLUCKER)  processes cotton from all sources and man made fibers in staple lengths of up to 65 mm. The bales being opened are placed lengthwise or crosswise on both sides of the bale opener, and the take-off unit can process up to four different assortments. Reduction of the raw material into micro-tufts is assured by the patented double teeth on the take-off roller and the grid with closely set clamping rails. The unique geometry of the double teeth ensures the uniform treatment of the entire bale surface. Retaining rollers traveling with the take-off unit prevent bale layers from sloughing and ensure precise, controlled operation over the entire height of the bale. The UNI-flock (BALE PLUCKER) still produces small tufts, even at maximum output of 1400 kg/h. The take-off unit is lowered by a preselected or computed distance at each pass. Running-in and running-out programs compensate for the dif...


Salient Features Production up to 1600 kg/hr Working Width is 2300 mm Traverse Speed up to 3-12 mts/min Auto scanning  Increases the machine utility and efficiency Elimination of skilled manpower Flexibility Flexible programming to allocate one to four bale blocks per side and one to four assortments Track length of 10m to 50m in steps of 2.5m Bale lay down up to 350 bales Suitable for all kind of Spinning applications Capable to work on both the sides of the track Simplified User Friendly Controls PLC Controlled movements and positioning Inverter drive for all positions and movements Gearless drive for turning of Plucking head Chainless drive for Tower Positioning movement Automatic turning of head Easily replaceable plucking strips 


RAW MATERIAL AND FACTOR INFLUENCING SPINNING # CHARACTERISTICS OF RAW MATERIAL (COTTON) Raw material represents about 50% of the production cost of a shirt-staple yarn. This fact alone is sufficient to indicate the significance of the raw material for the yarn producer. The influence become still more apparent when the ease in processing one type of fibre material is compared with the difficulties, annoyance, additional effort and the decline in productivity and quality associated with another, similar, material. Hardly any spinner can afford to use a problem-free Raw material, because it would normally be too expensive. Adapting to the anticipated difficulties requires an intimate knowledge of the starting material and its behaviour in process and subsequent stages. RAW MATERIAL PROPERTIES: 1. Fibre Fineness 2. Fibre Length 3. Fibre Maturity 4. Fibre Elongation 5. Fibre Stiffness FIBRE FINENESS: Fibre fineness is one of the three most important f...


Blow room is one of the most important part of  textile  spinning sector. It is consists of a number of machines which are sued in succession to open and clean the cotton fibre according to the required amount of degree. In blow room section, normally 40-70% trash is removed. Blow room section in spinning <script async src="//"></script> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-3567516238162420", enable_page_level_ads: true }); </script> <script async src="//"></script> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-3567516238162420", enable_page_level_ads: true }); </script> Blow Room Section: It is that kinds of section where the supplied  compressed bales  are opened, cleane...