There are two types of yarn faults, Frequently occurring faults
and Seldom-occurring faults.
Frequently occurring faults :
This type of faults includes thin, thick and neps as
measured by evenness tester. These faults occur in the range of 10 to 5000
times per 1000 meters
Seldom occurring faults :
Theses faults refer to the thin places and thick places in the
yarn, which are so seldom occurring for atleast 100 km of the yarn. The seldom
occurring faults can be grouped in three main types Short thick, Long thick and
Long thin faults.
Classifications of
faults :
This will provides a detailed break-up of yarn faults based on
the length and dimensions of the faults. There are totally 23 types of faults,
each fault is identified by an alphabet and a number. The alphabet ‘A’ to ‘G’
indicates the thick yarn faults while the letters ‘H’ and ‘I’ represent thin
faults. The Number 1 represents a faults of size +100 to +150% over the nominal
cross-section in the case of thick place and
-30 to -45% in the case of thin places. Number 2 means
+150 to +250% for thick places and -45 to -75% for the thin places and so on.
The ‘E to ‘G’ categories of faults are not followed by any
numerical since they are fewer in number.